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Currently showing articles for SAM 2016. Would you like to switch products?
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Downloads, Data Files, Solution Files, Errata Sheets, Etc.
PLEASE READ - Changes to MindTap Reader Print Options
SAM - Can I resume an assignment in SAM?
SAM - Creating Custom Questions
SAM - How can I change a student’s grade?
SAM - How Can I Email My Reports to My Instructor?
SAM - How can I specify a password for an assignment?
SAM - How can I specify a password for an assignment?
SAM - How can I specify when an assignment is available?
SAM - How can I tell if my results were recorded?
SAM - How do I add a new key code to my account?
SAM - How do I change my account information?
SAM - How do I create a new exam and/or training?
SAM - How do I create a new section?
SAM - How do I generate a report in SAM?
SAM - How do I use a textbook with my class?
SAM - I forgot my SAM password.
SAM – I purchased a SAM Key Code and registered it at my old school. However, I have since transferred. Can I move my Key Code to my new school?
SAM - I've joined the wrong section in SAM.
SAM - My account has been deactivated. How can I reactivate it?
SAM - Questions about SAM tracking for student Training activities
SAM - SAM Product Page @ Cengage
SAM - Training Resource Site
SAM - User is not getting a task marked complete in training.
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