CourseCare Tech Support: UNIV OF TEXAS AT DALLAS
BLAW 2301 - Business and Public Law

Currently showing articles for MindTap
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Critical Issues
Downloads, Data Files, Solution Files, Errata Sheets, Etc.
MindTap - Can I see a student's activity in a MindTap course? How do I know that a student has completed an assignment?
MindTap - Can students see my highlights in the text?
MindTap - How do I adopt MindTap for my students?
MindTap - How do I monitor student participation?
MindTap - How do I withdraw from a course?
MindTap - How does MindTap grade assignments?
MindTap - I accidentally submitted my assignment before I was ready. Can you reset it for me?
MindTap - Is MindTap accessible to students with disabilities?
MindTap - Mobility and Device Compatibility Feature List
MindTap - Note about Privacy and Ad-Blocking Add-ons
MindTap - TA and Co-Instructor Guide
MindTap - Training Resource Site
PLEASE READ - Changes to MindTap Reader Print Options
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